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Orssana Stevenson and the Universe Between Worlds

In the universe of Orssana Stevenson and the Universe Between Worlds, the term Yuëdae comes from the ancient Cosmatic language, which connects special beings to the essence of the cosmos. The word is composed of “Yuë,” meaning “one” or “unique,” and “dae,” which represents “entity” or “being.” The Yuëdae are fragments of the Primordial Being, a cosmic entity that, over the ages and millennia, divided itself upon reaching Earth to spread harmony. These fragments manifest in special people, such as those with Down syndrome and autism, each representing complementary aspects of the Being:

  • Empathy, symbolized by Orssana, a girl with Down syndrome who embodies love and universal connection.
  • Logic, symbolized by Jonathan, an autistic boy whose rationality and deep perception help unravel the mysteries of the universe.

The Yuëdae are not defined by their conditions but by the unique connection they share with the cosmos, making them essential to restoring the balance of the universe. They transcend the limits imposed by society, demonstrating that their characteristics are gifts that harmonize reason and emotion.

Throughout the narrative, Orssana and Jonathan are the final and most complete manifestations of the Primordial Being. Their reunion is crucial to prevent the destruction caused by human malice and to restore harmony to the world.

Orssana Stevenson e o Universo entre os Mundos é uma criação de © Evaristo de Ancerg. Direitos autorais de publicação, personagens, nomes e marcas registradas pertencem a © Ancerg. Todos os direitos reservados. O mundo de Orssana Stevenson e a Cordilheira do Infinito são marcas registradas de © Evaristo de Ancerg.
